Easter 2010
On Saturday April 3, 2010, we celebrated Easter! We went to an Easter party at the Cancer Wellness House, and then on to Grandma and Grandpa Hursts house for an Easter Egg hunt and dinner. At the Cancer Wellness House, Della was able to decorate an Easter basket, play bean bag toss, ring toss, get a balloon hat, meet the Easter Bunny, and both kids were able to find eggs in the Easter Egg hunt! At grandma and grandpas house they had a lot of fun finding eggs with their cousins! Kayla, Della, Triston, Tommy,
and Emma found lots of eggs and had a ton of fun!
Tommy finding eggs at the Cancer Wellness House
Our little family at the Cancer Wellness House!
Jake, Tommy, and Della with the Easter Bunny!
Della finding eggs at the Cancer Wellness House
Tommy found a pack of eggs at Grandma and Grandpas!
Della at Grandma and Grandpa's house in her new Easter Dress!
Tommy and Della at grandma and grandpas house.Tommy would not sit still!
Tommy in his new Easter clothes atgrandma and grandpas house!